My journey at Centennial College – Progress Campus, as a Business Admin – Human Resources Co-op student has been an experience I will never forget. Throughout the years I have been in many roles such as a Co-op Recruitment Assistant, in the Co-operative Education & Career Services office, HR Support Assistant, in Centennial College Student Association Inc. (CCSAI) and a Student Co-Chair, for Experience Centennial – Co-Curricular Student Learning & Development office. In all these positions I had the pleasure of not only working with a great team, but also creating connections that will last a lifetime. While in these roles I got to be part of job fairs, talent shows, festivals, Orientation, Leadership Conference, Leadership Retreat, and Volunteer Expos. These events/programs have played such a huge impact in my journey, as I got to meet so many amazing individuals, hear different perspectives/point of views, and just enjoy my experience a little more at Centennial College.

If I can give anyone, one piece of advice while they are either starting their journey at Centennial College, or even almost finishing their journey, is to enjoy everything that is offered to you. The job fairs, numerous CCSAI events, Orientation, Leadership Conference, Volunteer Expo etc., as they help create memories, meet new people, learn something new, and impact your journey in Centennial College. College is not only about learning about the program you’re taking, and getting that diploma/certificate, it is much more than that. Take it from this happy introvert, you will never regret it!